Monday, April 16, 2007

Oak Leaf Wine

Here is a strange one. Oak leaf wine? I wonder if you can use maple leafs? This will be one to try this summer.
  • 1 gallon oak or walnut leaves
  • 2 lb sugar
  • 2 tsp citric acid
  • 1 gallon water
  • yeast and nutrient

bring 6 pints of water to boil and dissolve the sugar in it.when sugar is fully dissolved pour ,still boiling, over leaves. let sit overnight and the next day strain into a fermenting jar. add citric acid,nutrient and yeast.shake well. top up with cold water. let it ferment until finished. rack when clear and again in 2 months.

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1 comment:

  1. not seen this recipe befor. The one I have is Mrs Wiggleys Oak Leaf wine.
    1.1 kg young oak leaves.250g raisins. 908g sugar. 7pints boiling water. 2tsp lemon juice. yeast/nutrient 200g honey.
    pour 5 pints boiling water over shredded leaves, mix lemon juice raisins and sugar with remaining 2 pints. pour over leafes then leave to cool, add yeast/nutrient. let stans 10 days. Syphon into demijohn, ferm 5/6 weeks top up to gallon with honey water. takes one year to clear and another year to mature. This appears to be a very old recipe so i'm going to try it first and see how I get on. Luckly I am a patient person Ha!
